While dogs may be born with good or bad genetics, and some have the natural instincts that their breed was developed for, some are even more willing to please than others, they aren’t born knowing how to heel, sit, down, stay, etc… Unfortunate, I know. It is work. You have to be committed. You have to have patience. And you need to take some time out of your busy schedule to give to your dog.
Everyone is extremely busy these days and you may be wondering just how much time you need to spend working your dog. This can vary depending on the age, class you’re taking as well as how bad your dogs behavior is. Working your dog in obedience is just part of the equation. Exercising your dog, working on those specific behavioral problems, grooming your dog, socializing your dog, and spending other quality time with your dog are all very important. And once your obedience has been taught you’ll want to actually use it in every day situations.
Are you really ready for a dog?
If your household is very very busy -working, school, after-school activities, a lot of vacations/travel etc. And your dog isn’t a part of these activities, you may have a hard time training a dog. Your lifestyle may not be conducive for even owning a pet at the moment, especially a dog.
Some breeds/dogs may have low energy, low drive, good temperament, or are born followers. I mean you could get lucky. But even then all dogs benefit from some type of training. Most people have some type of problem with their dog, if not a lot of different problems with their dog. Sometimes they aren’t even aware their dog has problems, or they don’t realize that the problems their having can be fixed.
It’s best to get good training for your dog, before behavioral problems develop.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The earlier the better!
If you are having issues with your dog, you need to make it a priority if you want to fix the problems. Unless your dog is genetically unsound (bad temperament), your problems can be fixed. It just depends on you, you’ll just need to commit to do what is needed to fix the issues.

So though you can’t magically make your dog obedient you can get there with some work!
All of our classes are One-On-One Private Instruction.
If your puppy is five months and younger you’ll need a puppy class.
Dogs six months and over need the basic obedience class.
Advanced obedience class immediately follows Basic obedience class.