We began training dogs in
the early 1990's, with Police K-9 and competition (Schutzhund) dogs. Precision K-9 Services was established in 1996,
immediately began training for the general public, and sold the first fully
trained Dual Trained Police Dog in 1997.
Based in Hurricane before
making the move to Scott Depot in the fall of 2003, worked a lot in Nitro as
well as surrounding areas but also traveled training Police K-9 Units and
conducting in-home training for pet obedience.
We served WV,
OH, and Ky mostly, but have had people come from all over for training. We
conducted in-home from Huntington to Charleston and everywhere in-between. Through the
years we continued to train Police K-9's for Law
Enforcement, including Single, Dual, and Multi-purpose
Police K-9's, as well as Tracking dogs for pet owners, and Fire
Departments. We also trained and titled dogs in both
Schutzhund/IPO &
competition. A large focus of our business has been, and continues to be,
training pets/dogs for the general public. In the past we also trained
Therapy dogs, Service Dogs for people with various needs such as the hearing
impaired, & personal protection dogs. Precision K-9 has offered
Trainers Courses, for those (Law Enforcement & Civilian) who wished to
become Dog Trainers, you might be surprised who we know and who we have
trained to be trainers. I often get clients ask if I know a certain trainer,
usually it's "yup we trained them", or "yup we trained the person who trained
them". There are 10 x the trainers in the area that there were when we
started the business in 1996. We also have bred German Shepherds but we are no longer breeding.
Check out a little bit of our individual
history and credentials by clicking the links below.
Also see more references
Jason Cooper (with
Angie Cooper (with
Jason Cooper with Nicholas Von Storm &
Angie Cooper
with Mauser Vom Neuen
Jason, Angie &
Faith aus der Bohmter Heide
Jason and Angie have numerous hours with the ride along
program and often like to ride along with the K-9 units they have trained.
Jason supports Angie's hobby in the sport of Schutzhund
and the showing of their Rottweiler(s) in the German style conformation, as
well as the occasional AKC obedience competition. In addition they have attended seminars on various
dog related topics, and continue to expand their knowledge on all dog
- we do not train our police dogs in this style, schutzhund is competition,
like AKC, or other dog sports. Schutzhund creates a great
genetic pool for us to pull our working dogs from and we support Schutzhund
as well as other dog clubs. But we train our Police Dogs for Police work,
and these dogs will not have titles. Our breeding stock we like to
have proven physically, mentally, and workability, so yes, you may see
titles on these dogs.
Jason and Angie also offer a Trainers Program (discontinued) for those wishing to
become dog trainers. And they also conduct training seminars on
various subjects. They have implemented a breeding program in which to offer
themselves, and others, dogs for service work, and the general public
excellent companion dogs.
A word about "Trainers"
Be aware, there are people who are self proclaimed "Expert", "Master",
"Professional" dog trainers, behaviorist, etc... in the dog training
There are no standards
for trainers in the USA, anyone can say their a trainer,
anyone can claim they went to a certain place for their training, anyone can
claim they have a certain amount of years of training, and anyone can make a curriculum, and
hand out diplomas, when a person goes through their trainers course ("accredited" by
"someone" or not). Being "accredited" doesn't matter if your graduates
can't actually train a dog or a dog owner. Or if they received bad training
from the trainers course they attended. Learning theories in a classroom
isn't going to teach a person to train dogs. We trained people who went
through an accredited course, and still didn't feel confident in training
dogs. These people need hands on and a lot of it. Training dogs is a skill learned
through, training dogs. Having
experience and a proven method of training beats any "Diploma".
Get references, do research, & get documentation to prove all
claims and be sure your working with a reputable person no matter where they
received their training (if any).
Diplomas & Letters of Recommendation
Obviously we could not add everything, Newspaper Articles, other Letters and Training
Photos have been left out. More ref. available by request.
See News Videos
Police K-9
Click on individual page
to enlarge.

The master trainer course here at Precision K-9 Services was a great
experience for me. I have been in and around dog training for several years
but I had never taken any formal training. I took an online course and
graduated with a diploma as a professional dog trainer. It was a 9 month
course and I learned much about dog history and dog psychology. However,
when I finished that course it left me a bit frustrated and a little empty
about several things. When I came to Precision K-9 services I learned more
in a month about dog training than the previous years of being in and around
dogs. Precision K-9 services gave me the tools and the knowledge to start my
own business as a master trainer and helped to launch my life into another
chapter. Jason and Angie Cooper are amazing trainers and instructors. They
are very well versed and they absolutely know what they believe and why they
believe it. The Coopers attention to detail and to precision training is
second to none. I also would like to say that Precision K-9 gave me the best
training for what I am doing in my life. A middle of life Career change is
not easy but Precision K-9 helped make that transition easier.
Mountaineer K-9 Services Mike Kordusky Master Trainer/Instructor
August 28, 2007
Dear Angie and Jason, I just wanted to let both of you know how much I
appreciate the excellent training that I received during my Trainers Course
with Precision K-9 Services. I have always felt that if I aspired to be the
best dog trainer that I can possibly be that I had to learn from the best,
and both of you are the best of the best! The many ways that you went above
and beyond my expectations are too numerous to list. From my first meeting
with you and Jason at the Nitro Police Department, to the last day of
training at Precision K-9 Services property, I was and continue to be very
impressed with the knowledge, training skills, real world experience and
professionalism that you both possess. Your integrity and honesty set the
standard for others in this field to follow. Thank you for rearranging your
training schedules to work around my work schedule. This course would not
have been possible for me if it were not for that flexibility. From the
classroom, to learning how to handle and train obedience and behaviors to a
variety of temperaments and drives in dogs, to learning how to instruct
private classes, this was an awesome experience. This training has given me
the foundation for a lifetime of learning. I rely on the training that I
have received on a daily basis. As you are aware of, I have started my own
dog training business and in the not too distant future (hopefully) will be
building my own kennels. You have helped me to achieve this goal with the
training, knowledge and sound advice that you have given me. You have set me
up to win. One last thing, your ongoing guidance and support since the
completion of my Trainers Course is very much appreciated and has helped to
eliminate a lot of the questions, concerns and uneasiness frequently
associated with getting a new business up and running. Thanks again for
everything! Keep in touch.
Sincerely, Scott Manning P.S. Soldat is doing great! I hope Mauser,
Yara and all the pups are the same.
Scott is the owner of Canine Coaching Services, LLC.